
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top 5 Hawaii Memories, Saying Goodbye, Merry Christmas, and New Beginnings

Well it's been a while since I have blogged.  It's crossed my mind a few times but something else has always come first.  Well since my last post we have taken our trip to visit Lea and Andrew.  We did so many fun things and made so many great memories.  Instead of trying to talk about everything, I decided to make a list of my top 10 favorite things.  

Hawaii Top 10- In no particular order- It was all equally wonderful!

1. Guacamole! (Lea makes the best from her avocado trees)

2.Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay

3.Watching the sunset at Waikiki 

4.Spending a girls day with Lea at Bellows Beach (#1 most beautiful beach in Hawaii)

5. Running the Mizuno Half Marathon in Honolulu-The sites were so amazing I forgot that I was running 13 miles.

6. 8lb pancakes at Mac 24/7- After running 13 miles :) 

7. Thanksgiving meal on the Lanai with great friends. 

8. Jumping off the rocks at Waimea Bay

9. Paddle Boarding on the North Shore- my new favorite "sport" 

10. Drinking Bikini Blonde Lager, while sitting with a BFF, viewing he most beautiful sites in the world!

Already planning my next trip!!! 

Me and B in Hanauma Bay

Couldn't think of a better way to spend our 1 year anniversary!

Me, paddle boarding- I am a champ! Hahah! I like to think I could be.  I don't think I would be any good on waves!

That's me in the air! WAHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

No turning back now!

One of my favorite people in the world. Fun day! Love this lady!!! 

Sushi time! 


On a sad note, we also faced a tough loss this month.  My sweet grandfather and the best man on Earth passed away on December the 13th.  It was pretty unexpected and a big blow to our family.  We lost my grandmother in April due to a long illness.  I've always heard that it isn't uncommon for a widowed spouse to pass on shortly after their significant other, but I really wasn't expecting it with Pop.  Pop was living it up! He was traveling every weekend to far off places such as Tunica to take in the steak buffets, the Tennessee state line to buy lottery tickets ("Somebody is gonna win that lottery, but it ain't gonna be you if you don't have a ticket."  He had promised everyone he knew part of the loot if he won it.), and to the Brewer Community Center where he had taken up dancing with his dear friend, Mrs. Ruth.  

I thought about Pop on a daily basis.  Unfortunately I should have called him or gone to see him more.  My Nana and Pop were people who I saw as immortal and couldn't imagine a world without them in it.  Now I am left with precious memories.  I can still remember the way the smelled, how soft there cheeks were when they would bring me in for a tight hug, how they would sneak me a little pocket money and tell me not to spend it all in one place and not to tell the other they had given it to me.  Sometimes I would double up! :)

 I will never forget spending the night with Nana and Pop when I was a little girl.  A typical night consisted of eating a Mr. Gurley's or Malone's restaurant where it seemed like Nana would talk to everyone for hours and Pop would buy me candy at the register.  Later that night we would most likely make a run to Mr. Gunter's store for Pop to buy breakfast for the morning and he would let me pick out an Archie comic book.  A few years later it would be Seventeen magazine (Nana didn't approve much of these.  Haha!). Nana and I would stay up "to the middle of the night" at my request,  watch Mama's Family on t.v., and work the Funny Pages from the Daily Journal.  Before we went to bed Nana would tuck me in, go "take her face off" (scary sounding huh?!?), and then we always said our prayers together.  In the morning I would wake up to the smell of sausage and hash browns.  Pop cooked the best breakfast.  We would sit at the table and eat while they both read through the paper and the days obituaries.  Those are some sweet memories that I will always treasure.  

I got to see Pop the day he passed away.  It wasn't a visit I want to remember much about, but I will always remember how his eyes lit up when he saw that Mom and I were there to visit him, holding his hand and him squeezing mine, telling him I loved him, him saying it in return and winking at me as to say "every things going to be alright."  I remember walking out the door that day and not wanting to think that it would be the last time that I got to visit him, but my prayer for the rest of the day was that God would bring him home if it was his time.  I drove back to Oxford and got the call early the next morning from Mom.  It was a peaceful feeling, but just like with everyone you love, a little piece of your heart dies with them.  My world doesn't quit feel the same and never will.  I lost 3 grandparents this year.  Three people that helped to shape, guide, and raise me.  I know Nana and Pop are in heaven looking down on us all and smiling.  I'm glad that they are together and very proud of the lives that they blessed and touched, and the legacies they left behind.  
Look how handsome my Pop was! So proud to be my Pop and me so proud to be his! :) 

Me and my Grandaddy Al- An amazingly unique, intelligent, and insightful person.  Always very interesting to talk to.  

Pop and I at Old Taylor Restaurant this last summer. 

Mother's Day 2011.  Pop loved to come to Oxford and visit with "his kids." 

Nana and I always shared birthday dinner.  Our birthdays are two days apart.  

Advice from my Nana.  She kept this little sticky note on her medicine cabinet mirror.
"Remember the best & forget the rest" 

Back to a happier note.  Despite the loss the year brought we still have many blessings to be thankful for.  We had a wonderful Christmas spending time with our families eating, playing games, watching movies, opening presents, laughing and shedding a few bitter sweet tears.  Brandon and I are looking forward to 2012 and what it might possibly have in store for us.  We are thankful for one another and looking forward to hopefully making our family a little bigger.  A two footed mammal instead of 4 this time would be good! :) Hahah! We are praying for health, success in careers, happiness for ourselves, our families, and our friends.  Happy 2012 y'all! 

Tacky Townie Christmas party at Proud Larrys

Zoe's anual Christmas picture

Zoe opening her Christmas Present-Caution: She is a KILLER

Me and Nana at Christmas when I was younger, Pop and I, My grandmother Sheila, Grandaddy Al and me.

Pedro is terrified of the camera and Christmas camotion

Zoe loves it! She went wild and had lots of fun with her doggie cousins and brothers.

Brandon and his mom

Brandon's Christmas/Birthday from Mrs. Clause Hughes

He was pretty happy, can you tell?!?! 

Pedro with Granna D.  Being rescued from larger dog cousins.

Brandon is the dog whisperer. Sam sprawled out on the floor, Lucy dying to get on the couch, Pedro hiding from Lucy, and Lilly just being a cutie.

Zoe is only worried about the Christmas bone.  She ALWAYS gets the Christmas bone.  Sam just waits for her leftovers.

My world (including Brandon, he's taking the picture:) ) 

Me and B- Merry Christmas!!! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

1 Year, Great Music, and Running My Ass Off....

One Year! (Well almost)
So my wonderful husband and I have been together for almost one year! In a week from now we will celebrate our one year anniversary in Oahu, Hawaii with our good friends Lea and Andrew.  We decided to have a pre-celebrartion this weekend.  We enjoyed Saturday night in our cozy house with shrimp and grits, a bottle of wine, some good tunes, and 1 year old wedding cake.  I was weary at first but besides being a little dry, it was very yummy.  Brandon ate a piece or two or three.  I had a few bites but couldn't seem to get past the fact that it was year old wedding cake.  Other than that I am so thankful to have him in my life each and every day.  God really does have a plan for us.  One that is just right for us.  He shows me this more and more every day.  My love, respect, and appreciation for Brandon grows each day.  Marriage really is hard work but it's a partnership that grows and somebody to share life's joys, hardships, obstacles, good times, and bad times.  I couldn't think of a better life partner!

Jessica Lea Mayfield and The Avett Brothers
We have been pretty lucky in the past couple of weeks to have some great tunes in the local area.  Jessica Lea Mayfield came to Proud Larry's a last weekend.  She is the sister of David Mayfield from the David Mayfield Parade.  She works closely with The Black Keys and is an amazing song writer.  I highly recommend checking her out. 

Jessica at Proud Larrys

Me and Jessica :) 

The Avett Brothers also made an appearance in Starkville at Bulldog Bash.  We fortunately had good seats away from the barfing, binge drinking college students and got to enjoy the show! It was not surprisingly an amazing fun time! 

Now to Running

SJHM Training Week 8
Short Runs: 2, totaling 6 miles 
Long Run: 10 miles
We hit 100 miles in training this week! 
Total Miles for the week: 16
Total Official Training Miles 106.6

SJHM Training Week 9
Short Runs: 2, totaling 10 miles
Long Run: 11 Miles
Total Miles for the week:  21miles
Total Official Training Miles 127.6 miles

I am getting excited about my upcoming races.  Todays long run was rough.  Running is so hit and miss with me.  Some days are a breeze, and some days are difficult.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't hydrating good enough today and I know I haven't been on the best diet.  I am going to start doing better this week. I need to stick with lots of heathy carbs and good lean protein.  My goal is also to only have 1 cup of coffee and 1 diet coke a day.  I need to be getting in much more water.  I haven't lost a single pound while running, but haven't gained any either so I guess that's good.    I am soooo hungry, especially after long runs.  So I guess when I say "I'm running my ass off"  I don't mean that literally, just running a whole lot! 126 miles in 9 weeks is insane for me to comprehend! I know there are people who do much more but coming from a girl who couldn't run down the driveway and back about 3 years ago, it's pretty amazing to me! :) 

St. Jude is in 3 weeks, but I also got talked into a race in Hawaii!!! Andrew is running the Mizuno Val Nolasco Half Marathon and talked me into joining him.  I always look at the "Rave Run" photos in Runners World and wish I could run somewhere as scenic.  I can't think of much more scenic place to run than down the coast of the Pacific Ocean and around the Diamond Head volcano peak.  It should at least be a good adventure with a good story to tell. 
My "RAVE RUN" Pics :) 

Well that's it for tonight.  I'm hitting they hay! I have been so sleepy lately and in the bed by like 8 every night.  Gotta get my rest.  Lots of packing and fun times coming shortly! 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nothing much to say today so I'm just keeping it short and logging my miles.  Busy bee! 

SJHM Training Week 6
Only got in short runs this week.  Ran a 4, and two 3s. 
I had great intentions to run my long run on Sunday but it rained, my bed was feeling way too good, and then I had a ton of school work to do. Completed long run on Monday,  will include info in the next weeks post.
Total Miles this week: 10
Total Official Training Miles: 70.60

SJHM Training Week 7
Monday: Long run for previous week 8 miles
Tuesday: approximate 2 mile walk with a "field trip" to YaYa's- Pumpkin Pie Yogurt is a perfect treat on an amazing fall day!
Wednesday: 4.5 miles
Saturday: 10 miles- It just came easy today! 
Feelings-Great! Anxious for the race. 
Total Miles this week: 22.5
Total Official Training miles 90.6 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Keepin My Head UP

Man, this was one rough week... BUT I'm keeping my head up and looking forward to new and better days.  Tomorrow is fall break, Mondays off are always a positive! 5 weeks until Hawaii vacay and a whole week of down time with my awesome husband, and 4 weeks until the Avett Brothers.  Lots of fun times to look forward too and most importantly being blessed daily with a wonderful husband and amazingly supportive family and friends.  

Life is too short to forget about what really matters and what is really important.  I often get bogged down by the unimportant things that I forget to sit back and take inventory of my blessings and the love and support in my life.  One day this week when I was feeling down, God put a thought into my head.  He reminded me of all of my past worries and he showed me how he took care of ALL of those things.  It might not have been on my time, but everything has worked out just the way it was meant to be.  Why do I have such a hard time accepting this and taking comfort in the facts.  I am a SERIOUS worry wart and control freak... this often causes me way to much anxiety. One of my favorite quotes (shared with me a couple of years ago by my mother) says "Anxiety is an unproductive activity.  It doesn't accomplish anything positive.  Give your worries to God." I give way to much of my time to anxiety.   This quote helps to remind me to snap out of it.  

Here is to new beginnings! Brandon is taking classes to get his alternate route teaching license.  I am very happy for him and look forward to his new career changes.  Brandon loves cooking but he feels it has come time to only use his wonderful talents on myself and a few other lucky people.  He will have a license to teach 7-12 grade social studies.  I think he will really enjoy it and be great with his students.  The alternate route program seems to be swift and easily obtainable.  The first part of the program is to take an online class for the next 8 weeks and to complete 60 hours of observations.  The second part of the program will be getting an "internship" position, basically finding a teaching position for one semester and then getting his license.  Yay! :) 

On to running...

SJHM Training Week 5

Monday: 4 mile run
Tuesday: 2 mile run/strength
Wednesday-Friday: No workouts /:(
Saturday: 7 mile Long Run
Feelings: Pain.... My ankles and knee hurts... I need new shoes
Total running miles this week: 13
Total Official Training miles: 60.60... WOW!!!

About to head to Tupelo for a little quality friend time with my BFF Casey.  Much needed! Here is to better days ahead! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 4

Because I want to keep up with my miles for this run I'm gonna go ahead and just post my Week 4 stats.  I'm sure I could find more to run my mouth about but I'm a little sleepy tonight! 

SJHM Training 
Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: 3.5 mile run and strength train 
Wednesday: 2 mile run
Thursday: 2 mile walk
Friday: 3 mile run
Saturday: 6.35 mile run
Sunday: 8 mile bike ride
Total Running Miles this week: 14.85
Total Running Miles during Training: 47.60

So far I'm still feeling pretty good about this race. I'm looking forward to the actual course being flatter than what I train on each day.  There are good days and some days that I am exhausted, sore, too busy to run, tired, on, and on, and on..... But usually I feel pretty good when I'm done! Each run is one step closer to the finish line! I always get emotional during runs.  Especially if it is something that I have trained for for a long time or if it's a "new goal" met for me.  I know this run will be especially awesome because of the cause that I am helping to promote.  I try to remember the struggles of the patients at St. Jude and the endurance and strength that they use to fight their diseases each day.  I have raised $275 dollars so far.  My goal is $500.  I read somewhere that it cost $1,000,000 to run St. Jude each day.  I know my $500 is pennies compared to that, but I hope it will make some sort of difference! You can visit my page to help out and donate.  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's Fall Ya'll!

Kicked off October with a fun "fall" filled weekend.  My mom and I drove south into the Delta to Merigold, MS.  We went for a long anticipated trip to McCarty. My mom has collected McCarty pottery for as long as I can remember.  She describes herself as a McCarty snob because that's the only pottery she really likes and keeps around the house.  I guess it's rubbed off on me too. I know there are people that have way more of this stuff then we do but we love every piece and it's always fun to treat yourself every now and then.  It's simplistic, useful, and deep rooted in southern charm.  I have collected quite a few pieces myself.  It's fun to actually go there and get it where it's made, to walk around Mr. McCarty's garden, and to be lucky enough to get to visit with him and hear his great stories.  Here are a few pics from our day trip.  

D and Mr. McCarty

My New Pieces...

Large Bowl, I love how it has the brown and jade colors. 

The Black Eyed Pea Plate
Isn't it cute!?!? It has small legs that raise it up a little when it's sitting flat.  It will make a fun serving piece and has a fun story to go along with it.  

Square plate and small bowl.  Once again, love the brown and jade.  They two little owls were just fun extras.  Thought they were too cute! 

The Gardens
So pretty and peaceful.  Could have sat here all day. 
I would love to have one of these giant planters! Very cool :)

It's everywhere! 

After we shopped we had lunch at the Tea Room.  Homemade veggie soup with cornbread, chicken crepes, Merigold tomatoes, sunflower spinach, and we couldn't help but share a piece of chocolate cobbler.  SCRUMPTIOUS! There isn't much else to do in Merigold so we made our way back up North and enjoyed our ride watching the farmers out picking and bailing the cotton.  It was everywhere! Fun, beautiful day with great company! 

Now, Let's Talk About RUNNING! 
This is week three of our training for the St. Jude half marathon.  I am up to $260 in my fundraising efforts! Thank you to all of you who have donated.  I still have $240 to go, so if you are looking for a good place to send $10 head over to my St. Jude Heroes page and donate to these awesome, brave kids!

Lindsey and I had our 6 mile long run today.  That's 10k distance and thanks to the wonderful weather and good vibes and energy, it went awesome! I was a little nervous because being sick last week I missed my 5 mile run.  I haven't run more than 4 miles since May (Gumtree) and was lacking a little confidence.  We did great! We even went a little further (6.25) by adding a little extra challenge.  Oxford is full of crazy hills for runners.  We thought our finish line was going to come at the top of the hill, but we actually finished at the bottom of the hill.  To build a little endurance and maybe just to show off, we went ahead and ran/crawled to the top of the hill.  Good times! We conveniently parked and started our run in the Baptist Memorial Healthplex/Big Bad Breakfast (ironic) parking lot, so we celebrated by enjoying a yummy breakfast with a few cups of coffee.  We are almost half way there! 

Week 3 of SJHM Training Stats
Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: 2.5 mile run
Wednesday: 2.5 mile walk/trip to YaYa's for a little treat (hey, you gotta have fun!)
Thursday: Rest (work/school)
Friday: 3 mile run
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 6.25 mile run
Feelings: Great! Excited! 
Total Running Miles this week: 14.75
Total Official Training Miles: 32.75

Fun with Mums! 
I love mums! and white pumpkins.  Wanted to make the porch fall festive so went and got a few today.  I'm gonna add some more giant orange pumpkins by next weekend.  I'm hosting our Halloween supper club next Saturday.  Should be a fun time! Hope everyone has a great week!