
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Week of Running Was a Bust...

Unfortunately not much good news to report on my training this week.  Last weekend I started having allergy problems that throughout the week turned into sinus problems and by the weekend a full blown URI.  I tried to fight it off with over the counter meds but 7 days later and $200 gone I am now on the road to recovery.  I went to Urgent Care yesterday.  I knew exactly what he was going to tell me and that he was probably going to give me an antibiotic that I really could do without, but the bottom line is that I don't have time to be sick.  I also requested a nice steroid shot that kicked in within hours.

So here are my week 2 stats... They don't look very good, but it'll be ok!

Week 2 of SJHM Training 
Monday: 4 miles- good run on this day! 
Tuesday: Short but enjoyable 2 miles
Wednesday: Life (a.k.a. work, got in the way)
Thursday: work, field experience hours, first graduate school exam- didn't get home until 9:30 got in the way
Friday: sick and exhausted
Saturday: woke up, couldn't breath, went to the doc
Sunday: feeling better but thought I would take one more day of rest to be on the safe side
Total miles this week: 6 
Total Official Training miles: 18
Feelings: Disappointed but ready to rock it his week!

So no, this week wasn't great but I can't dwell on it.  I just have to do good this coming up week.  I do believe that it's important to listen to your body.  If it needs rest, give it some.  If it is sick, help it to heal.  I think this will benefit me better in the long run. 

On a positive note, my running partner, Lindsay Pollard reached her 5 mile long run goal this week! I am so proud of her. This was her first and I know she did great! She even got it done three days early so she could go rock it with Hanson in New Orleans this weekend.  GO LINZ!!!! And yes, Hanson is still a band.  She has let me hear some of their more recent tunes and if I do say so myself, they have come a long way since the Mmm Bop days. :) 

Side Notes
7 weeks and 4 days until Hawaii! I have been talking to Lea about our fun adventures we are planning.  I can't wait!!!! Mostly can't wait to see her.  I did get to have a great phone convo with her this week.  She helped me make it through the cruddy week but I think a good beach convo on an island in the middle of the Pacific will be pretty sweet too! 

Also, if you love good music you should check out Jessica Lea Mayfield and then come and see her play at Proud Larrys on November the 5th.  She is David Mayfield's  (of the David Mayfield Parade) sister. You can check her out on iTunes.  My favorite songs are "Blue Skies Again" and "Our Hearts are Wrong."  I will be there for sure! November will be a great month for good tunes!

Being sick this week gave me some time to do a little reading for fun and I started a new book, Sarah's Key.  I think it's going to be pretty great and unforgettable.  It takes place during WW2 and is about a young girl who is taken with her parents by the French police as they go door to door arresting Jewish families in the middle of the night.  It switches back and forth from her story to that of a modern day journalist who begins to research the round up for an article she is writing for a local newspaper.  I'm pretty sure their stories will intertwine in one way or another.  A lot of the book has been pretty sad so far but I think in the end it's going to be a good story of the the human spirit.  

Well I hope everyone has a great week and I hope to have much better stats to report next week! Until then! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let the Training Begin! Week 1

This was the first official week of St. Jude Half Marathon Training.  I say official because I have actually been training for about a month and a half now, but our 12 week program leading up to the run started Monday.   I didn't run very much during the dog days of summer so I had to build my running muscles back up.
My adventures in running started about 2 years ago.  I never dreamed I would be a runner.  I used to actually have a saying that "running was only good for giving you shin splints."  My how times have changed! When I started really working out and making it a part of my weekly routine I started out walking, using the elliptical, and riding my bike.  I enjoyed all of those things and would think about running but in my mind that was the ultimate physical activity that I wasn't sure I was ready to tackle (it's now become spin class).  After a while I built up enough confidence to at least give it a try.  What did I have to loose!?! I started out on the treadmill.  Would run a little, walk a little, run a little walk a little.  I eventually built up some distance.  That got boring to me fast.  I wanted to be in the open outdoors.  I began to do the same routine outside on the streets or the trails.  It was much more difficult and took me a little more time to build up any kind of distance.  Then one day I reached my first out door mile with no stops.  It was an awesome feeling!
Tackling an obstacle I never thought I would complete is a great confidence booster for me.  That's all I needed and I was hooked.  I started pushing myself a little harder and further each time.  For me it's been a slow process.  I don't think I was born a natural runner, but when I have a goal in mind I get excited about reaching it.  I started out with a few 5Ks, went for a couple of 10Ks and then I thought why not a half?  My first attempt of training for a half failed.  I began my training in the heat of the summer and had no running partner.  I have learned that accountability is very helpful tool for me when running long distances.    I decided to put that goal on the shelf for a little while and regroup.  I think that if something doesn't somewhat remain fun and meaningful to you then you shouldn't spend your time on it.  I got back to just running for fun and on my own time and schedule.
A few months later I received an email about a running group that was starting in Oxford in preparation for the Run for Hope half marathon.  It was a group that would meet once a weekend for long runs and as often as possible during the week for shorter runs.  By this time I felt like I was ready to give it another shot and thought this was the perfect opportunity for me to take advantage of.  It was a busy time in my life.  Training really swung into full gear about a month or so before our wedding day.  Although it ended up being one more thing on my to do list, it also became a great stress reliever and gave me something else to keep me focused on other than constant wedding details.
The biggest thing I have found about training for a long distance is that you have to REALLY want to do it and you have to be committed.  When you go out on Friday night, it's important to remember how you want your stomach and body to feel when you are out pounding the pavement early the next morning.  When you are really tired after work, it's important to remember how each run counts towards the final outcome.  When you wake up at 7:00 a.m.  and it's 28 degrees with ice on the ground, you REALLY have to want it! This was the case for a few of my morning long runs for the Run for Hope.  There were some days I would ask myself "Now why do you want to do this again?"  After the run, after meeting each new mile, each new distance, I remembered why I wanted to do it.
So on February 26, 2011 I completed my first half marathon.  I came in 19th (last) in my age division of 25-29 year old females, with a completion time of 2:37:39 (this included a quick restroom break in the student union or I'm sure I could have made it under 2:35).  Did I care that I was last in my division!?!?! Ummm No! First of all I wasn't even aware until the results were printed and second of all I had just run my butt off for 2 hours and almost 38 minutes! I ran up MOUNTAINS to get to the finish line.  If you have ever run in Oxford, you know exactly what I mean.  The last 3 miles were extremely tough and painful.  I'm not sure what I did wrong that day, but I pushed through it and made it, and that's all that mattered.  I was extremely happy and pleased with myself.
This is my medal.  I worked VERY hard for it!
This is me after running for 2 hours and 38 minutes. It was February.... 
My shirt says "How bad do you want it???" Haha I love it! 

Sooo here we go again! Like I mentioned earlier, I'm really looking forward to this run. I'm a little nervous because the run is in Memphis and won't have actually ran the course until race day, but I am excited because I have heard it's a much easier route than the Oxford route that I ran.  I also have a running partner who will be with me! I am planning on blogging about our progress and our stats each week.  Mainly just distance.  Neither of us are too concerned about time.  We just want to finish.  We do keep track of our time and try and keep it to a certain time but don't beat ourselves up to hard about it.  Race day is December 3rd so I'm sure we will have a variety of weather to run in and I think it will be fun to keep record of thoughts, feelings, and progress as we go through the training. Maybe this will inspire you to hit the pavement!?!? I never thought I could do it and now it's often something I can't wait to get out and do! Have a great week! 

Week 1 of SJHM Training:
Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: Strength trained
Wednesday: 2 miles 
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: undetermined when this post went to press :)
Total miles: 12
Feelings: Hopeful! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Catch Up

So I haven't blogged in quite some time... This could be a long one! I have been procrastinating.  I don't have anything MONUMENTAL to report just the events of my everyday life. I am currently sitting in one of my first grad school classes at 7:43 on a Thursday night, worn smooth out, and admittedly bored to death.  The class is on testing and evaluation... MCT... blah, blah, blah.  I teach first grade now.  No thank you! HELLO!!? Haven't you heard of Common Core?? Ok sorry back to topic. SO I have decided to catch up on my blog as I hear only 20% of what my professor is saying.  I was once told my students DO NOT retain 80% of what I am saying.  Encouraging huh!??!

What's been going on... Projects I have begun and are currently mastering:

1. I started teaching first grade! 
 I got a J-O-B in Oxford, 5 minutes from my house.  Goodbye commute!  Here are some pics of my new classroom.  I spent A LOT of time and $$$ fixing it up.  I think it's fun and welcoming.  It will get better with time.
My door hanger. I was excited to see it hanging!
My cute door.  Those are REAL coconuts! Yes, I am aware that coconuts and bananas don't grow on the same tree.  

This is my room.  The room I spend about 10 hours a day in.  I love the windows and the light!

View from the other side. 

Phonics Fun Peacocks AND in Oxford I can have a microwave and a refrigerator! Talk about teacher incentive! Haha! :)

Cubbies- Look at that organization! 

Carpet Time! 

This might not look much to you, but it was a nightmare.  Story would be boring to you. 

Word wall

Green is the Goal

The Treasure Chest

Daily Jobs Chart

Front board 

A few precious memories from students.  The "How to Feel Better on a Bad Day" I will keep forever.  Wish you could see what the inside pages say.  Ashton will be one I never forget! 

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!

View from my desk, which in 1st grade, you NEVER sit down! 

Wearing our shades! Our future is bright! 
(Stole the motto from PSE)
I love, love, love my students and my job, but let me tell ya, it's been an adjustment. I have felt like a 1st year teacher all over again.  NOT a good feeling.  A month and a half in I'm getting a little more confident and feeling a little more comfortable.  I have A LOT to learn and am looking forward to learning it.  

2. I started Graduate School.
Once again I have piled my plate high.  I have always said I would go back to school.  I seriously didn't think I would have a full time teaching position this year so decided that this would be the perfect time to start.  Well luckily I was wrong about the job but now I am a very busy lady! I am taking 2 night classes 7:00-9:30.  What in the heck was I thinking!?!?! One of this classes will be very helpful to me.  The other one (currently sitting in) doesn't quit keeping me "ENGAGED."  In my profession, this is the only way to get a significant pay raise.  I also am extending my professional knowledge and living up to being a LIFE LONG LEARNER! :) 

3. Half Marathon Training!!! 
I am going for my 2nd half! I am very excited about this one for many reasons.  First of all the anxiety of never running one before doesn't exist. Second, I have a running partner! This is awesome, motivational, and very helpful in holding me accountable.  This is Lindsey's (Pollard) first half and I am so happy that she is joining me.  She is going to do awesome and I'm so lucky to have her running next to me. We have slowly been working up to the start of our training program.  Neither one of us ran much this summer so we have been working on getting comfortable with 3 miles several times a week.  We are actually ahead of schedule and already on track with our official training long runs... 4 miles! Third, this run is in Memphis.  Bye bye Oxford hills.  Unfortunately we will be training on the hills but we think that will make our run that much easier. Last but not least, we are running for a GREAT cause! We are running the St. Jude Half and have both committed to being St. Jude heroes.  This means that we are required to not only run 13.1 miles but also each raise $500 for St. Jude.  Each time I am running and want to quit, I think about how those sweet children have to fight and keep going every day.  They are worth every ache, every minute, every mile.  

You can visit to donate to the cause! How could you not??? Even $10 dollars would make a great impact! 

To look forward too.... 

1. The Avett Brothers!

Brandon introduced me to the Avett Brothers when we were dating and I feel in love with him and them! We got to see them for the first time on NYE in Asheville, North Carolina.  David Mayfield opened up for them and it was a completely fantastic show! When we saw their fall tour schedule we were pumped to see that they were coming VERY close.  On November 11th we will be going to see them in Starkville and I AM SOOOO EXCITED! 

2. HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over Thanksgiving break Brandon and I will be visiting our friends Lea and Andrew at their new home in 
Oahu, Hawaii!

We are so so so excited! I love and miss my sweet Lea so much and know she has been scouting us out some fun adventures.  When Brandon and I were discussing honeymoon destinations Hawaii was our #1 choice.  For a few different reasons we landed on Jamaica.  Jamaica was great but we can't wait to see what Hawaii has in store! 

3. Our 1 year Anniversary 

We will be celebrating in Hawaii.  I can't think of a better 1 year anniversary destination! It has been a great year with my best friend and I can't wait to see all of the things life has in store for us.  Brandon is my rock.

Well class is wrapping up. It's about time to go home and I think that's about all I have for now. Life is good, God is good, we are blessed.  Until next time....